About Sarah

My Story

I have been a midwife for over 20 years and it is the passion of my life. I trained and worked in the UK and then retrained in Israel when I made Aliya in 2000. I worked in Jerusalem hospitals for over 10 years and know the medical system here well. My last hospital position was in Bikur Cholim which is a small intimate unit, and was best suited to my style of giving personalized patient-centered care. I am excited to be working in Home Births exclusively since 2019, as it is something I have been enthusiastic about since the early days of my training!


I have a degree in Nursing from Manchester University, in the UK and a degree in Midwifery from Middlesex University, London. I keep my education and skills up to date by regularly attending new trainings.

As a midwife registered with the Ministry of Health, I adhere to their homebirth protocols. I treat the safety of mother and baby as my number one priority.

I believe that the birthing mother is at the center of her own birth and I encourage her to feel her own strength and power! A woman who can birth at home, can accomplish anything!! I pride myself in keeping a calm and joyous atmosphere during the birth, so that the process can unfold naturally without undue stress.

I see pregnancy, birth, and the growth of a family as one of the most beautiful things about humanity. As a Midwife, I am privileged to help women and their partners make these experiences as positive and healthy as possible. I’m never surprised when yet another scientific paper proves the positive impact a midwife can have on the mother and family! I am proud to offer care to women and families across the Jerusalem and Binyamin areas.

baby, bird, delivery


Births overall

Appx 4

Home Births per month

5 star

Reviews on Google

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Happy Clients

birth statistics for 2021

My Certifications

A bit more about why I chose to be a Homebirth Midwife.

My becoming a home birth midwife grew from a desire to provide quality maternity care based in the community.

Over the years I have become disillusioned with hospital based care due to the conflicting needs of hospital and those of the birthing mother. Receiving care from midwives and doctors she’s never previously met, makes it difficult for a laboring mother to let go and trust her instincts.

All too often, we see the cascade of interventions that takes place in hospital care, leading to further complications. Frequently the hospital has time constraints which can make a laboring mother feel pressurized. At home, the atmosphere is very relaxed, enabling the mother to deeply connect with her body and have a calm birth.I teach the Gentle Birth Method, which enables you to birth your baby slowly.

This reduces the incidence of tearing and protects your pelvic floor.I understand that this is one of the most important transitions in your life. Those first hours with your newborn are so precious and can never be replaced.  Staying at home in your own bed is a wonderful start with your newborn.

You are always supported, listened to, cared for and respected. You choose the way you wish to birth! I offer a holistic model of care that supports the mother and baby’s physical, emotional and social well-being. I spend time with you to form strong and trusting relationships.

Above all, I strive to ensure you feel informed, safe and confident throughout your pregnancy, birth and beyond.